Saturday, September 20, 2008

Puffy Eyes and Disappointment

How much tears can one person shed? Yesterday Mark found out he did not get the job in NY. There weren't even any interviews. This is a crying shame, since Mark has diversified so much in the past 10 years in preparation for this job. The person we are guessing that got this job would not have even qualified for it, had it not been for Rumsfeld's big grand renovation! It would have been wonderful to be so close to family and friends again. I tell myself and hear from others, it means there is something better. How? Where? When? I can't imagine anything more perfect. So, I cried like no tomorrow yesterday. And a bit today. By tomorrow maybe all the tears will be gone. Maybe. Mark is handling this so much better than I and it's his job! I prayed long and hard for the hiring official to see the good in Mark in so many ways. To see his knowledge and ability, his dedication and personality. So, we are now going to truly enjoy our time here. We have already bounced around vacation ideas. We think we have a plan of where we will go next. I said to Mark on the way home from dinner that I am at peace with that plan. Remember I was waiting for that lightening bolt to hit me a couple of months ago? Maybe this is it. To jump start me into really enjoying life...not waiting for the next place or step. To live for the moment. I know God has a grand plan for us. We'll be ok. Just a few more tears and maybe it will be ok. Maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to cry with you! I haven't come to visit you yet, though. Maybe that is why God is saying,"Not yet." :) But on the other hand NY would be much more "doable!" So glad God is in control and I am not. Love you and miss you! Wendy