Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week 11

Falling behind....

I'm still working on a project a week, but I forget to take photos and never get to posting the projects. This is a great way to dress up a t-shirt. I found the tutorial here.

I bought 2 inexpensive t-shirts, same color. Using one of them, I cut heart shapes. The hearts were about 2-2.5 inches in the middle, vertically, to give you an idea of how big they were. I cut out a bunch and wasn't too picky about how perfect they were or were not. Then, I sewed them onto the tee at the neckline. I used my sewing machine and just did a quick stitch right in the middle of the heart. A quick back and forth and that's it! I didn't place the pieces before I stitched. I just sewed one, then eyeballed where another should go, then sewed that one. The closer they are together, the fuller the embellishment. I can't wait for the weather to warm up to wear it!

We are leaving on Tuesday for vacation. We are driving through Milan to see a friend, then on to cruising. We are heading to Athens and Rome again (fave!!), then to the big sights I want to see; Istanbul and the Black Sea (Ukraine). There are a few other stops in there, but these are my highlights. Hopefully the weather will be warm-ish, and the cruise will be decent! And, O is big enough to join the Kids Club!!

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