Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Week 22

I purchased this Heather Bailey Nicey Jane fabric a while back. I bought a few fat quarters. For some reason I was on a pink kick (usually not me). But I really fell for this fabric. I wasn't sure what to do with it though. I found an old bag at the thrift shop (sadly, where I find most stuff around here) and took off the bamboo handles. So, I looked around for a bag pattern or tutorial I could use. I knew I didn't want a tote type bag. It would just collect just at the bottom of my closet. I can't find the tutorial that I used though. I remember it was for only a single sided and I wanted something reversible or lined. This pattern worked out well and it can be reversed! I took it on our cruise and kept my knitting in it. Perfect size to walk around with and I could wear it on my arm, to boot!

Week 21

I whipped this little gem up the other day before heading to the grocery store. I had a fist full of coupons (and how do you say that...'q-pon' or 'koo-pon'?) and they were just on the bottom of my purse. I made this the same way as I did the punch card holder, just a big bigger. I love the fabric, too! I purchased the matroyshka from a fabric market that travels around Germany and the Netherlands. The inside is the same fabric as the skirt from a few weeks ago.

Now, a place for all those coupons....and a (fairly) neat purse!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 20

Happy Father's Day! Yeah, a little late. Every year, the boys make a t-shirt for Mark. I'm running out of ideas. We have already done footprints and We love you from the bottom of our 'soles', We lava you, Dad (with hand print lava; Henry was really into volcanoes that year), Dad, you rock and roll (with a bike and guitar on it; big into biking and Guitar Hero that year), as well as handprints and stuff. I have to admit, I was sweating it out this year. Really did not know where to go with it. Mark got a new car, so we used that as a starting point. Picture of kids, car combined with iron on paper that you run through the printer...voila!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week 17, 18, 19

So, here are a few of the projects that have gone out in the mail recently. (Mom...stop reading and looking now.) I know she won't. We are both terrible at keeping presents a secret. Here goes...

This pin was made with different scraps of fabric. I found the tutorial here. I love this woman and her blog! The colors she uses in her quilts and throughout her house. Ahhhh...love it! Back to the pin. I did another after this one in more pinks, but this one turned out far better. I think it was because of the ruffle technique.
This apron I have made many times. I made them for my friends for Christmas. This one is going to Mom. Super easy and I love mixing up the fabric patterns. Tutorial here.

Family Rules
When I taught in the UK, my partner in Art, had this awesome mantra that the kids said when entering the room. It is genius. I use it now. It seemed like we should have Family Rules. So, saw this idea and made one of our own. Doesn't have the ring like Clyde's Art Farm rules, but I do love it. Hangs in a prominent place in our house to refer to. I did not add one important rule though....no ball playing in the house. Use your imagination. Yeah. And Mark was the ringleader!
Aaannnddd...this was made with Modge Podge. I bought some scrapbook paper that I liked, cut it to fit the printer, and printed the sayings on the paper. (I had to fiddle with the font size and type.) Then I cut the paper into strips, applied Modge Podge on a canvas (already with gesso), then put the strips down and another coat of Modge Podge. I think this could easily be done on a piece of plywood or board, too.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week 16

I saw this flower pin and loved it! I made another after this purple one in a thicker felt and it was just too much. This one is regular ol' felt. I love the punch it gives to anything!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Week 15

I am so behind! I have yet to add pictures of the knitting bag and swirl scarf. Here is the latest project. I wanted to make a wrap around skirt. Ideally, reversible. Since this was my first time at trying a skirt at all, reversible would have to wait.

I visited a friend down in Bavaria a couple of weekends ago. She has the fabulous fabric store near her house. Like in biking distance. Seriously, I would be broke if I lived anywhere near there. It isn't a Joann's but it is great! I got a few 'necessities', and this fabric. I bought the yellow bias tape there as well. This skirt started as just a 6 paneled skirt with the idea of it being a pull on using fold over elastic. I tried it on and 6 panels was just waaay to full for me. I thought about adding a zipper, but I was too fearful; I have never, ever sewn one. So, I took out a seam and make it into a wrap around. I think 1 more panel would have been better, as it would have given more coverage, but it's ok the way it is. I just added the grosgrain ribbon on each side with a belt loop in the back to prevent the ribbon from riding up, and a button hole in the band to slip it through.

Overall, I am pleased the way it turned out. For a first try, not too bad.