Sunday, June 8, 2008

He's Hilarious!

Here are some recent pictures of the boys...

Owen is just too funny for his own good. Today, we were rearranging some furniture only to come back into the living room to find Owen with Mr. Potato Head Mickey Mouse glasses on his face, eating noodles and watching the tele. He was totally serious. He put them on himself and kept them on. Funny thing, he was adjusting them too! Mark and I looked at each other and had to laugh.

Now, Henry is a comedian in his own right. Henry has more of the one liners though. And he has the memory of an elephant! He was watching Indiana Jones (yes, I know he's only 5, we selectively let him watch) and he's coming up with all kinds of stuff. "Oh, that's Cairo." "I thought I saw the Eiffel Tower. Was this filmed in France?" What, are you kidding me? When we moved back to the States from the UK, one of the questions an adult asked me was, "That was a long drive, huh?" Yes, I am serious. Henry has more of an understanding of geography than that adult. Let me add a disclaimer, it was in Georgia...middle Georgia. 'Nuff said.

This is the last week of school (Thank you, sweet Jesus!). Mark started a new job, and we are anxiously awaiting our first house guest of the summer. Busy, busy week.

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