Thursday, September 6, 2007

So here we are...

First a bit about how we came up with the name.
I have been pondering it for a long time. Even had friends suggest ideas. (Wrob, you still get the box of treats, watch for them in the mail....good ideas!)
We used our initials and came up with ohms and mhos. How appropriate for an Electrical Engineering Dad, huh? Apparently these describe the flow of electricity. One is resistance (ohms) and conductance is the other (mhos). The resistance thing sounded kind of well, like a resistance government movement or something. We went with mhos. (I think Mark liked the idea of being first, too!) Now we don't want to leave out the beloved pet, so would you believe the symbol for conductance is a 'G'. So the whole family is represented in one warped electrical way or another. I don't get any of it. I never really got science for that matter.
So, welcome to our blog. We hope to share our adventures, misadventures, stories, and life in Europe with you.

1 comment:

hele said...

hey, all! you are making my head hurt with the scientific lingo! wish mark could turn it into some cockney rhyming slang! so glad to hear i am still the winner of the treats because when i saw your subject line re: the blog, i thought for a minute that i never got around to sending you any of my ideas!!!! yay! as for mark's singing, i still think of that music game we played when you visited us in boston. i don't remember much about it except that every song ended up going: "christine, christine..." (from phantom of the opera). so glad you guys are having so much fun! miss you. xo.wrob.